Is your Kitchen Equipment LOOKING SCARY?
Are you having issues with your equipment that actually make you nervous?
We know from experience, that SAFETY is ALWAYS a top priority for our customers, but sometimes issues that really need to be addressed, get overlooked or forgotten.
That’s why Jay-Hill Repairs offers three really great Preventative Maintenance Programs to our customers. By signing up for a Preventative Maintenance Plan, you can be sure that all your kitchen equipment is being inspected on a regular basis and any small issues you are experiencing can be dealt with before they turn into EXPENSIVE REPAIRS or SAFETY CONCERNS.
Here’s some quick info about the Preventative Maintenance Plans
we offer & why you might need one:
Why do I need a Planned Preventative Maintenance Program?
- Inspections are critical for identifying small problems with your equipment before they turn into large, costly, repairs.
- Our professional technicians will inspect your equipment on a regular basis, assisting you in identifying any safety, operational, and maintenance issues.
- Proactively maintaining your kitchen equipment WILL SAVE YOU MONEY in the long run. You will experience less breakdowns, fewer repairs, and a longer service life of your equipment.
- You will receive PRIORITY SERVICE. Cut in line and get faster service (often same-day) on your equipment.
- Following Preventative Maintenance procedures helps to control food-borne illness. Calibrating thermometers and thermostats on cooking and refrigeration equipment help to curb bacterial growth.
How does a Planned Preventative Maintenance Program Work?
- You choose the equipment you want covered – from all of the equipment in your kitchen to just a few select units.
- You decide how often you’d like us to come – monthly, quarterly, twice a year – it’s up to you.
- We work with you to create a maintenance plan just for you. All kitchens are different…and so are their needs. Our experts will help set up the best preventative maintenance plan for your kitchen.
Types of Plans we offer:

Standard Preventative Maintenance Program
- We check safe and proper operation, calibrate temperature controls, check for wear and tear on the components of the unit, perform equipment maintenance, and address any specific issues that your chef or kitchen staff may have while on site.
- Any deficiencies discovered by our Technician will be communicated to the client. All repairs are quoted for your approval so you can manage your budget in the best way for your business.
Cooking Equipment
- Check general and safe operation of equipment.
- Check electrical connections for safe & proper operation.
- Check all controls for proper operation & adjust as necessary
- Check all burner and gas valves for safe and proper operation.
- Adjust burners to operate at maximum efficiency.
- Check & Calibrate temperature and controls, as needed.
- Check all operations mechanisms such as springs, hinges, etc.
- Check door hardware & gaskets.
- Clean & adjust gas/air ratios & pilots as necessary.
- Make recommendations for all repairs.
Refrigeration Equipment
- Lubrication of all moving parts
- Brush down coils to remove surface debris
- Blow out condensate drains if blocked
- Inspect for vibrations & noise
- Inspect heaters
- Inspect fan assemblies
- Check door gaskets, hinges, proper operation
- Check (& adjust if needed):
- Temperatures
- Pressures
- Belts
- Inspect equipment drains & condensate pans for deterioration
- Make recommendations for all repairs.

Premium Preventative Maintenance Program
Some of the equipment in your kitchen requires more attention than others to keep it running efficiently, extend its usable life, and protect it from costly repairs. Regular maintenance on this equipment is crucial to maintain safe and proper operation.
Premium PM Programs include all of the services provided in the Standard PM, plus the premium services shown below.
Cooking Equipment:
- Boiler Systems: Steamers, Kettles, Combi-Ovens, etc. – These units require regular descaling of the calcium buildup from the water. Scale deposits build up in thickness through daily use of the unit, accumulating along the inside walls of the generator and in all the valves and pipes. Scale buildup restricts the free flow of steam and may cause physical damage to components. In addition, scale buildup can expand with heat causing equipment to crack and heating elements to explode. Scale will also coat the surface of sensors and cause false readings and malfunctions.
- Dishwashers – Dishwashers need to be delimed to prevent poor cleaning, temperature issues and draining problems.
- Equipment with Water Filters – Changing water filtration cartridges to reduce scale build-up, remove dirt & particulates from the water, and avoid water starvation issues.
- Slicers – Blades need to be sharpened and the meat carriage needs to be lubricated with food grade oil.
Refrigeration Equipment:
- Refrigerators & Freezers – All refrigerators and freezers require chemical cleaning of the coils to remove dirt, grease, dust, corrosion, etc. which act as an insulating barrier and robs the system of its efficiency, ultimately increasing operating costs and the likelihood of compressor, condenser & evaporator failure.
- Ice Machines – All ice machines require cleaning & sanitizing to prevent the spread of bacteria which can cause illness, and must have the water filters changed, and be descaled, to ensure proper operation.
- HVAC – HVAC units require semi-annual maintenance (Spring & Fall) which includes coil cleaning and air filter and belt change outs to ensure safe air quality and proper operation.
Block of Time Agreements
Block of Time Agreements allow you to choose the number of hours* you want to purchase in advance. Hours are pre-paid before the start of the contract and are renewable when they run out. These blocks of time can be used for whatever you need.
- Maintenance? Repairs? New Equipment Installs? These are YOUR HOURS – use them as you’d like.
- You receive 10% additional COMPLIMENTARY hours when you buy a time block.
- LOWEST HOURLY RATE for service.
- Time Block hours don’t expire. Haven’t used them all this year? No problem, they carry over!
- Quicker Service – We make you a priority. It’s like getting a “cut in line” pass.
*Block of Time purchases start at 30 hours.