ISN® is the global resource for helping connect qualified contractors and suppliers with hiring clients around the globe.

ISN’s Review and Verification Services (RAVS) verifies and evaluates our health, safety, and procurement information to ensure regulatory and client specific requirements are met.

Safety is a key priority for Jay-Hill Repairs and many of our clients.  We go to great lengths in training our technicians to ensure that they operate safely in the field and observe job site and job specific safety requirements.  Being a member of ISNetworld provides transparency to our clients and allows us to illustrate our company’s commitment to safety in our workplace and yours.
We are pleased to announce that Jay-Hill Repairs has been an active member of ISNetworld since 2009.  We have centralized our compliance data within ISNetworld and streamlined our reporting process.
Many of our clients have evaluated Jay-Hill Repairs through ISNetworld.  We have made the following information available to our clients in an electronic format, which is available online 24 hours a day.
  • Health, Safety and Environmental Questionnaire
  • Insurance Certificates
  • OSHA Forms
  • Experience Modification Rate (EMR) Letters
  • Written Health, Safety, and Environmental Programs
  • Training Information
  • Reporting of Hours and Incidents by Month
For more information on ISNetworld and what they do, please visit their website at